Sunday, October 7, 2007


So we started stripping wallpaper today. B (my BFF)called yesterday and said that she would help me. Thank goodness! We started in the laundry room. It was not coming off so easy at first. We had to figure out how much to score the paper and how much to wet it. We used a vinegar/water solution and it works pretty well. We were in business when we figured out that if you peel off the top layer and leave the backing for later, it works so much easier!

The kitchen paper peeled off in sheets. No scoring, wetting or scraping! Same with the half bath. Easy Peasy.

We were just as lucky in the den. The den has "string paper". It did leave the backing, which we came back later and wet it down and it comes right off. How lucky can we be? This has been a snap. All that dreading stripping off wallpaper was for nothing.

But when we started the dining room, which will the the playroom, we were humbled very quickly. The paper was not as thick and was not coming off as easily. What happened to the wallpaper that came off in big chunks? It didn't matter how much we scored an sprayed, this stuff is not coming off! I think that I will try some wall paper remover solution or I have read on the internet that some people have used fabric softener. Or maybe we will rent a steamer. I don't know, I really don't want to spend the money to rent a steamer, but it looks like we may have to. That's why I went with the vinegar/water solution! It's cheap!Ugh!

We started at 11:00 am and just got home around 8:30. I cant believe that I have the energy to even write this post.

B and I are gonna go back tomorrow after work and finish up. We didn't quite get done with scraping the backing in the den and entryway. And we left all the paper on the floor. We'll have to clean that up.

Hubby said that he might start scraping the ceilings tomorrow.

Were off to a good start!

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