Wednesday, October 10, 2007

This is HARD Work...

I went to the utility office today to get the power turned back on at the new house. As I was sitting there waiting for my number to be called. I noticed this sign on the wall. "please control your children" Now, who thought of this? And who approved the work order to have this sign made? You know that they don't have "please control your children" signs at Office Depot. When I realized that I had my camera stashed in my purse, I had to take a picture. Then the security guard says, "mam, please don't take any pictures". And I said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I just thought it was funny. Do you want me to delete it?" He says "No that's OK, just don't take anymore". I'm not sure why he didn't want me taking any pictures. Maybe because its a government office? The city does own the utility company. Or maybe because of all the scandal that happened recently. Just thought it was funny and that I would share with you.

I headed over to the house around 4:00 to meet the man from the utility company. He turned the power back on and I went to work again on the wallpaper. A coworker had a wallpaper steamer that he let me borrow. It worked beautifully! I got the top half of three walls done. I had to go and pick up the kids from church, so I couldn't stay as long as I wanted. The steamer made it so much easier. I am so thankful that I could borrow one and not spend the money to buy or rent one. I'm on a budget, you know!

The hubby and two of his friends started scraping the ceilings last night. I snapped a few pictures of the mess.

I took some pictures of the ceiling, but you cant really see anything.

We may start painting ourselves this weekend. We'll see...

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